Friday, 22 September 2017

Launching Into Starfinder (Smutfinder?): First Impressions

I'm Back at the Tables.

"You don't remember me? We played together a bunch of times. Remember
that guy's showroom, with all the lamps and shit?"
I'm tempted to label as "Smutfinder" the game of Starfinder that a little group of smutty lads and ladies are currently playing online; the game I recently joined. But Smutfinder kinda sounds more like a porn search engine, so, eh... maybe not.

Anyway, it's great fun to rejoin the world of tabletop RPG after a long time away, and this provides occasion for something new for this blog: a first-impressions review of Paizo's latest tabletop game and of the online app we're using to play it, Roll20. I'm looking forward to being a part of this gaming experience--the second session, in which my character Xata makes her first appearance, is up now on Dragon Cobolt's tumblr--and to sharing the ongoing fruits thereof with you, gentle readers. Let's dig in.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

The New News

Since Our Last Episode...

It's been a little while since I last blogged here. I've been remiss in leaving it so long, but life gets in the way from time to time. There is plenty to catch up on and I thank you, dear readers, for being patient with me.

(Before we get into it, though, two hashtags you need to check out if you love great art: #drawingwhileblack and #latinoHispanicartist. You're welcome!)

The news? A new Space Princess title has been out for sale since the beginning of September, Season Two is in the works along with a fourth Sex & Sorcery, and along with some fellow erotica authors I have caught the tabletop gaming bug -- this time it's Paizo's new setting, Starfinder -- for the first time in a long time. Let's get to it! (One mildly NSFW image.)